Lawrence Hübschmann, Owner, Hübschmann-Zhan International School, Shenyang Chapter

Servus, 你好 and hello, my name is Lawrence Hübschmann and I am the ‘H’ and the German side in our schools name ‘HuZ’. My partner Yiming Zhan represents the Chinese side and together we are the owners of the German school here in Shenyang.

When I came to Shenyang for the first time in 2011, we were still working on European concepts for Shenyang, and our goal was to do our small part and making this bustling city more European and attractive to companies from abroad. When, a few years later, we met Mr. Harald Kumpfert, chair of the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, we got introduced to the advantages for members and the many ongoing events hosted by the Chamber to connect European and Chinese companies and strengthen the international bond here in Liaoning.

Of course, this was the reason we joined the European Chamber here shortly after and we never regretted this decision. In the beginning, we were facing many challenges in Shenyang—e.g. gaining acceptance by Chinese and international companies—and I think the Chamber was and still is doing a great job in connecting companies located in Shenyang and Liaoning.

By bringing the small German section of our school and transferring it to a stand-alone school concept and so fulfilling the needs of German students and the expat community working for the many German and German-speaking companies as well as the consulate general, we are now on the spear tip of education in China. At the moment, we are striving and pushing with all our effort to promote new educational concepts suitable for international and Chinese children, and are being well supported by the Chinese and the German education bureaus to achieve this goal. The European Chamber is also playing a big part in hosting events with the Chinese Government, who are clearly listening carefully to members’ problems and trying to calibrate Chinese and European thinking and expectations to create solutions suitable for all.

It can therefore be said that the efforts and the role of the European Chamber here in Shenyang is a clear success and great for its members located in Liaoning.

Lawrence Hübschmann, Owner, Hübschmann-Zhan International School, Shenyang Chapter

Categories: Interview

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